Ile du Saulcy
57006 Metz France
September 2-5, 2008
ConferenceContributionsPractical informationOrganizers | Doctoral ConsortiumPhilippe Palanque, IRIT Toulouse & Guy Bourhis, LASC-MetzDoctoral Consortium will be organized all day long on Tuesday September 2nd 2008 prior to the main Conference (see the detailed programme). These meetings are a real opportunity for Ph.D students working on human-computer interaction to present their ongoing work to a 4-to-5-senior researchers group. The goals of the day are to supply each participant with commentaries on his/her work and to have new prospects emerge from his/her ongoing Ph.D work. Should you have any question about the Doctoral Consortium, please click here Important datesDeadline for submissions: Monday June 2nd 2008Notifications to the authors: Monday June 23rd 2008 Deadline for sending the final versions: Monday July 14th 2008 Instructions for the authorsThe submissions must be written in 2 to 4 pages and follow the Conference format (a ready to print one); they must summarize the Ph.D student’s research work, mention the progress report and the prospects thus opened up. Once accepted, the submissions will be published among the enclosures of the Conference proceedings. They must be sent by mail and simultaneously to BOTH persons in charge of the Ph.D meetings.The researcher responsible for each Ph.D student must join a letter of recommendation to the submission, thus confirming that the student has fully completed his thesis academic registration and giving the date it actually started. Such a letter must be sent to the organizers before the date on which the Ph. D students meetings are due to start. |
Université de Lorraine | 03 54 50 54 00 | 34 cours Léopold - CS 25233 - 54 052 Nancy cedex | mentions légales